Wednesday, March 31, 2021

LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF RESET (4 Questions To Move Forward)


This last year has presented challenging times for so many people--but especially for pastoral leaders. Those I have talked to or coached with tell me the same story--all during this time, things were constantly changing. It was hard to know what to do, or what a church could do, from week to week. There were so many people taking sides; telling them that the church to too open or not open enough, taking sides and vilifying those they disagreed with. I'm sure you have experienced some of that. It has been hard all around.

Now that things are beginning to change again, back closer to the way things were before, pastoral leaders have to decide how to deal with this next phase; what many are calling "The Reset".

It is both a challenge and an opportunity. A challenge because any inflection point is a chance to make a mistake, but also an opportunity because an inflection point is a chance to make changes that set up your organization for future health and growth.
So here are 4 questions I would encourage any pastoral leader to ask themselves and their team as they face their next step into the future:

  1. What have we learned? It is a great time for reflection on lessons learned--especially around the issue of "high tech and high touch". What do you know now, that you did not before, about keeping people in touch, doing church and how technology will continue to be a part of that equation. 

  2. What do we need to let go of? What did the last year teach you and your team about what is not working because, maybe, it doesn't fit your ministry model any more, or it is just not something God is calling you to any longer.

  3. What do we need to make sure we hold on to? What did you discover had more value than you realized? What was temporary in this last season that needs to be made permanent? 

  4. How do we make these changes with the least unnecessary fall out? Sometimes we make changes that really need to be made, but we make them in such a way that it alienates people that it really doesn't have to alienate. Make a plan for implementing change that includes copious communication, listening to input and honoring the feelings of those effected.

Change is hard! Would you like to have someone help you navigate seeing your church change, grow, and become more healthy as you grow as a pastor and leader?
Take advantage of a FREE trial session with me as your pastoral coach.
Call/TXT 503-709-4613 or write me at
We can even go over these 4 questions if that would be helpful.

LEADERSHIP IN A TIME OF RESET (4 Questions To Move Forward)

  This last year has presented challenging times for so many people--but especially for pastoral leaders. Those I have talked to or coached ...